Merlin's Trials in Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough!

Challenge yourself in Merlin's Trials in Hogwarts Legacy and unlock amazing rewards!

In Hogwarts Legacy, you can find a huge variety of minigames and puzzles, which offer players several unique experiences, involving challenges and explorations. Among them, you will see Merlin's Trials in Hogwarts Legacy, which are a series of 9 challenges that require, in addition to skill, a great capacity for reasoning. We have prepared a complete guide that will help you solve each of these trials!

All 9 of Merlin's trials in Hogwarts Legacy work in a specific way, so we'll give you details on how each one works, to ensure you can beat them and earn the magical rewards that only these trials can offer! Let's go!

Type 1: Three torches to light

Game character casting spells in the Three Torches to Light challenge
Illustrative Image: Three torches to light / Source: Google Photos

This is the first of Merlin's nine trials in Hogwarts Legacy and your main objective is to ascend three pillars using magic! It may seem easy, but the challenge lies in the pillars slowly sinking into the ground, forcing the player to ascend all three before one of them disappears for good.

The main characteristics of the pillars are their different heights, which means that the larger pillars will remain above the ground for a longer period of time. Therefore, you can start ascending the pillars from the smallest one, since it will disappear faster than the others. The spells that can be used in this phase are: Incendio and Confringo, the latter being the best choice due to its good range.

Type 2: Spheres on Pillars

Game character casting spells in the Spheres on Pillars challenge
Illustrative Image: / Source: Google Photos

This is one of Merlin's trials in Hogwarts Legacy that is easier to solve, as you will have to break these stone "faces" that you can see in the image above. They are located at the top of the pillars and there are nine of them spread throughout the region.

To destroy each one, it is necessary to use a spell with destructive power. There is no need for special or specific spells to perform these tasks, it is enough that it is an offensive spell and correctly directed at the target.

Type 3: Ball and hole

Game character casting spells in one of the Hogwarts Legacy challenges
Illustrative Image: Trials of Merlin – Type 3 / Source: Google Photos

In the third of Merlin's trials in Hogwarts Legacy, the main objective is to roll a large, heavy stone ball into a pit-like surface. A crucial detail here is that the player can only move this sphere using the spell called Depulso.

The player will need to keep an eye on the test field, as the ball and the hole may be a considerable distance apart. The hole is usually on lower ground than the ball, which can make the task more difficult, but nothing that prevents the player from completing this test.

Type 4: 5 balls and 4 holes

Game character casting spells in the 5 balls 4 holes challenge
Illustrative Image: 5 balls and 4 holes / Source: Google Photos

Of all Merlin's trials in Hogwarts Legacy, this one is the one that most resembles a sport (golf). The challenge is to find five stone balls and take them to the holes using the Accio spell. There's no secret; once the balls are directed to the holes, they will automatically position themselves.

You will find 3 platforms with four holes, and 3 groups of balls, with 5 balls per platform. Solve all 3 tests and solve the puzzle.

Type 5: Stones with crystals and green butterflies

Game character casting spells in the Stones with crystals and green butterflies challenge
Illustrative Image: Stones with crystals and green butterflies / Source: Google Photos

This is one of Merlin's most beautiful trials in Hogwarts Legacy in the game, as it involves bright green butterflies, giving a very cool effect to this part of the game. You must take these butterflies to a pile of three stones that are in this region and, to do so, you must use the spell called Lumos, since butterflies are animals attracted to light.

Type 6: 5 stone slabs

Game character casting spells in one of the Hogwarts Legacy challenges
Illustrative Image: Trials of Merlin – Type 6 / Source: Google Photos

To solve the sixth of Merlin's trials in Hogwarts Legacy, you need to cast the right spell! This challenge involves 5 stone slabs in the area that need to be destroyed, and in this case, any spell won't work. You'll need strong magic, like the Piggy Bank, to complete the task. After destroying these 5 pillars, the task will be solved.

Type 7: Jump over boulders

Game character casting spells in one of the Hogwarts Legacy challenges
Illustrative Image: Trials of Merlin – Type 7 / Source: Google Photos

Despite Merlin's trials in Hogwarts Legacy involve magic in most of their challenges, this one ends up being one in which only your physical abilities will be explored. The player, upon finding a group of stones, must jump over them, without touching the ground. With each correct jump, the stone platform will gain vegetation that will surround it and you must complete the path correctly.

It is worth remembering that controlling your character at this stage is essential, taking into account that running before the jumps can increase the distance of these jumps and make the task easier and without any chance of error.

Type 8: Stones with symbols

Game character casting spells in one of the Hogwarts Legacy challenges
Illustrative Image: Trials of Merlin – Type 8 / Source: Google Photos

At this stage, the essential thing is to align the stone cubes with their pillars, as the image above shows us. Among Merlin's trials in Hogwarts Legacy, she uses the spell called Flipendo to be able to move the stone cubes until they are in the correct position and properly aligned.

Type 9: Repair Stone Statues

Game character casting spells in the Repair Stone Statues challenge
Illustrative Image: Repairing stone statues / Source: Google Photos

When you reach the final of Merlin's trials in Hogwarts Legacy, some statues will crumble during this stage. Your task as the player is to repair each of them using a repair spell. However, finding all of the statues may not be an easy task, so you can use the Revelio spell to gain access to the location of the missing statues.


Map showing the location of all 9 of Merlin's trials in Hogwarts Legacy
Illustrative Image: Map of Hogwarts Legacy / Source: Google Images

These are Merlin's 9 trials in Hogwarts Legacy, which are essential for player development and rewards throughout the game. In addition to being fun, you can test all your skills quickly and easily by simply locating each one on the map, marked with small leaf icons (as shown in the image above).

And if you like games, receiving tips and staying up to date with everything that happens in the gaming world, be sure to also check out our articles on how to sell items in Hogwarts Legacy e how to open chests with eyes in Hogwarts Legacy.

Historian graduated from UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense, is part of the Anime Dicria project, in Rio de Janeiro and works as an SEO Writer on the blog Curioso Geek, having texts published in several blogs, inside and outside Brazil. In addition, he creates content about anime and manga on his social networks (@fllavia_pedro)

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