Elden Ring: 7 Tips for Beginners!

Check out everything you need to know to get off to a good start!

Tips for beginners in Elden Ring are very important. Anyone who is a fan of Dark Souls is well aware of how From Software, the game's developer, creates games full of secrets and mysteries, considered by many to be almost impossible to complete. Elden Ring is no exception. If you don't know the right tricks, it can be very difficult to progress through the game and unravel the challenges posed by the missions.

To help you with this, we've put together this article with seven tips for beginners in Elden Ring. So, if you're thinking of giving the game a go, but you're afraid you'll end up lost on the beach because of its difficulty, this article is for you! Let's take a look together at the most important things to know about the game's dynamics.

Head in the direction where the statues point

Pay attention to the statues
Pay attention to the statues

If you walk around the world of Elden Ring for a while, you're sure to come across a statue. These statues always have their bodies facing a certain direction and it's no coincidence that they're there: they want you to follow where they're pointing. This is one of the most important Elden Ring tips for beginners.

The path shown by the statue usually leads to catacombs, but their entrances aren't always very visible and you'll have to look hard. These statues serve as a clue to the location of the entrance to catacombs that are sometimes on steeper walls, or almost invisible corners in areas that will require the player's full attention.

Keep an eye on the equipment

Lightweight equipment makes you more agile
Lightweight equipment makes you more agile

Some equipment can be very good for defense in combat, but because it's too heavy, it can also make it difficult to move around. Wearing very complex armor can end up making scrolling movements more difficult, leading to slower animations and also reducing the useful time of the equipment.

Follow this one of the tips for beginners in Elden Ring and choose lighter equipment when you go exploring so that you don't end up straining them too much or even straining your own patience with slower walks. There will always be a slightly less heavy option that will also protect you or help you deal damage as you venture through the open world. Keep an eye out!

Understand how to use Spirit ashes

Look for Spiritual Ashes!
Look for Spiritual Ashes!

Despite being a new feature in the game, learning how to use Spirit Ashes is a great tip for beginners in Elden Ring. This is because this mechanic allows the player to summon spirits to help them in important battles and this can make a big difference when facing bosses or any more complicated enemy.

Even if the spirits aren't strong enough to eliminate some creatures, they can be used as a distraction while you attack. Summoning these spirits consumes FP, so most of them will require a build more focused on using magic, while some others may consume part of your HP to be used. Whatever your build, it's important to go out and collect Spirit Ashes, because you never know when you'll need them in game!

Avoid very difficult battles

Don't get into fights that are above your level
Don't get into fights that are above your level

One of the best things about an open-world RPG is that you have complete freedom to go out and fight the battles you want, but it's not because you can do this that it's advisable. One of the tips for beginners in Elden Ring is precisely not to insist on battling mobs where you are dealing little damage, as this is surely a sign that the enemy is too strong for your current level.

Instead of dwelling on a lost cause, why not change course a little, explore other areas and come back later when your level is higher? There's a boss called the Tree Sentinel who is strategically placed to attract beginners, even though he's quite strong, precisely to teach them the importance of ignoring certain things, leveling up and then coming back better prepared.

Focus on one build

Don't try to balance all your attributes
Don't try to balance all your attributes

While it may seem like a good idea to balance all your attributes to become a sort of "jack of all trades" when it comes to building a character in RPGs, in Elden Ring this is not at all advisable. Not focusing on one playstyle variant can cost the player dearly in the long run.

One of the main tips for beginners in Elden Ring is to have an idea of which class you want to invest in as soon as you start, so that you can upgrade resources and armor according to what is most useful to you. All your upgrading decisions, weapons and defense equipment should be built according to the class you want to invest in. You can't do everything at once here!

Rolling is better than blocking

Scroll instead of blocking!
Scroll instead of blocking!

When a new player arrives in the game's universe, they usually think that using shields is of great importance in combat, but believe me, it's not. Although they do their job when necessary, what the best tips for beginners in Elden Ring have to tell you is that the best option will always be to roll or dodge possible attacks.

Defending with shields consumes a lot of stamina that could be saved by simply rolling, and this second option offers a much better chance of counterattacking. The point is: you need to pay close attention to rolling at the right time and have good timing, otherwise you could take damage.

Unlock the Torrent first

Use Torrent to get around the map
Use Torrent to get around the map

Getting around the game world without the aid of a mount can be a real problem, so one of the most important tips for beginners in Elden Ring would be to unlock the use of Torrent right at the start of the game. Torrent is a kind of spirit horse that can be very useful both for moving around the map and for fighting powerful enemies such as dragons.

The ability to use the Torrent is given to us by Melina after a scene that can be triggered in two different locations near the Front Door Ruins. After it appears for the first time, the spirit horse can be summoned at various other times using the signal that can be equipped in a resource slot.


Generally speaking, it's a good way of saying that all the tips for beginners in Elden Ring are to explore carefully and calmly study the steps you want to take throughout the game. If you follow the tips given here, you're unlikely to face many difficulties throughout the game.

But what about that? Did we manage to help you with all these Elden Ring tips for beginners? Share your experience with us in the comments! Also check out our article on how to defeat the Furnace Golem in the game! We guarantee it will interest you!

Nick Narukame
With a degree in Literature from Universidade Federal Fluminense, I've been producing content about geek culture for over a decade. My passion for movies, games, apps and chocolate has been the fuel for my writing, which has found a place in outlets such as Curioso Geekamong others.

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