Finding out how to defeat the Furnace Golem in Elden Ring has become one of the fans' greatest desires ever since they were highlighted in the trailer for the recently released "Shadow of the Erdtree" expansion. However, before learning how to eliminate them, it's also necessary to prepare for this confrontation so that it doesn't become more difficult than it would normally be.
In today's article, we're going to show you how to do all this so that you don't end up stuck with this enemy and unable to progress in the game. Want to find out everything you need to know before going on the attack? Come with us and we'll show you everything you need to get through the experience!
How to prepare for the Furnace Golem

Contrary to what it may seem, the Furnace Golem is not a single boss, but one of the many bosses that roam the map and need to be eliminated. They are frightening because of their size, which resembles that of fire giants, and also because of the "basket" that is on fire in the upper part of their body. It's almost impossible not to see one of them, even if you're very far away due to the light coming from its flames.
Defeating the Furnace Golem in Elden Ring may seem very challenging at first, but if you prepare beforehand, the situation can be a lot less complicated. We recommend that you don't try to attack it if you're still in the Tomb Plain at a low level. Level up to get good resources and crafting recipes before heading into the confrontation and also try to strengthen yourself in the Shadow Realm.

Having followed these initial steps, it's very likely that facing and defeating the Furnace Golem in Elden Ring will now be much easier for you. Many people end up making the mistake of going after them without any initial preparation and that's the worst mistake they can make.
How to defeat the furnace golem
These monsters are constantly found in many areas of Shadow of the Erdtree and as soon as you enter the Shadow Realm you'll come across one. They tend to deal a lot of area damage, so it's important to keep your distance from them and pay close attention to their movements, as their enormous size and their flames, which hardly go unnoticed, can be a lot of work.

There are two ways to defeat the Furnace Golem in Elden Ring, since there are two types of it. One of them will have his feet exposed, with ropes around his legs and this is his most vulnerable point. You can attack this part, leaving it stunned, and apply a critical hit when this happens to finish it off.

The second type of Golem uses spiked armor on its feet and will need a different approach to be eliminated. For this one, we advise you to focus on attacks that hit its face directly or its basket, which are vulnerable points, although not very accessible. Ranged attacks can be more effective in these cases.
Considering these two ways of defeating the monster, you're unlikely to have any trouble when you come across one of them. But, of course, it's always important to prepare before you go to face them so that you don't end up being eliminated in the process. By maintaining a high level, strengthening your resources and improving your skills in your area, the boss may prove to be easier than he seems.
But what about that? Were we able to help you defeat the Furnace Golem in Elden Ring? Share your experience with us! We want to know what you think! Enjoy and check it out our article on the nine most difficult bosses in the Elden Ring and also the video we've put together especially for you below! We guarantee you'll like it!