As good as the world exploration and shooting modes are, Palworld definitely wouldn't be the same if it weren't for the pals. The little monsters, which number over 100 different species, are the fun of the game and capturing them to help your base, collect them or even walk around with them makes every second of gameplay worthwhile.
The point is that although some pals are very easy to catch, others won't be so friendly to the player, which can complicate their capture. Want to know the best tips for catching more pals? We've put together eleven of them especially for you!
How to Catch Pals in Palworld?
If you want to capture more pals in Palworld, first of all you need to know how to do it. The mechanics are very similar to what Pokémon players do in the franchise's games, but here, instead of throwing pokéballs at wild monsters, the player will have to use an item called a "pal sphere".
To obtain the pal sphere, you'll need to reach experience level two in the game and you'll have to use a Paldium fragment, 3 woods and 3 stones to make them. These initial spheres can be useful for capturing weaker pals, but higher level ones will require more effort from the player, such as acquiring the Mega Sphere, which would be an improved version of the pal sphere. Players can also find lost pals on the floor of the map if they're lucky enough. But anyway, we're now going to tell you how you can capture more pals in the game, so stay tuned for the next few tips!
Changing the World settings

Generally, Palworld comes with a capture rate of level 1 and this directly affects the number of pals you'll find and the ease with which you'll be able to capture them. By raising this multiplier to 2 or more, your chances of capturing more pals in Palworld will double.
This is because you'll be able to spend much less time trying to catch a single pal and you'll also be able to save your pal spheres if the little monster you want gets stuck in it more quickly. If you find it too easy to catch pals, there's nothing to stop you using this same multiplier to increase the difficulty too.
Try to grab the palm from behind

Many people don't know this, but there is an increase in the capture rate when you throw a pal sphere at an unsuspecting monster with its back turned. This increase will depend on the level of the pal you're facing, but it can be up to 20 and will help you capture more pals in Palworld.
Some pals, especially those of a higher level, may become hostile and make it difficult to throw the pal sphere from behind because they move around a lot while attacking. Lower-level pals, however, can be captured in this way without even needing to have their health reduced to do so.
Upgrading your Power Statues

Right at the start of the game you will come across the Statues of Power. These statues can give you a significant increase in your capture rate if you offer them a green, floating item called Lifmunk Effigies.
At first, upgrading these statues can be quite cheap and an easy option for capturing more pals, but from the third level onwards, things start to get more expensive. The statues are scattered around the map in random locations, but it's a good idea to always be capturing Lifmunk Efigies around so that you have a large collection of this resource when you come across a Statue of Power.
Higher Level

There are currently six types of pal sphere in the game and some higher-level spheres can increase the capture rate to up to 100% if used on the right pals. However, these spheres are much rarer and more difficult to manufacture, even though they allow the player to capture more pals.
It is recommended that you still use lower level spheres so that you don't end up wasting rare resources unnecessarily. If you get desperate, you can look for spheres on the ground and, if you're lucky, you may end up finding some of a higher level.
Reducing pals' health

When you're exploring the map and come across a wild pal, you'll have the opportunity to fight it before trying to capture it. High-level pals won't easily stay in your pal sphere, so a confrontation is necessary to reduce their health before trying to catch them so you don't end up wasting pal spheres.
However, the player will have to be very careful not to lower the little monster's health too much and have it die. There is no way to capture dead pals in the game. However, the lower the health of the pal in question, the greater the chances of capturing more pals.
Use ice to freeze pals

Having ice pals in your world exploration comp can be a real help when it comes to capturing more pals. This is because ice pals can freeze other little monsters and this stuns them to the point of increasing their capture rate.
This can be considered the most suitable elemental way of capturing other pals, but it's also worth pointing out that it doesn't always work. Not every ice attack freezes pals and not every time an attack is fired it will necessarily be an attack that freezes. The tip given in these cases would be to unequip other active skills until your pal companion only has freezing skills and then use him as a capture companion.
Poison other people

Poisoning pals using spears, arrows or even other pals who have this ability can be considered a very efficient way of capturing pals in Palworld. This is because the poisoned state gradually drains their health and, in turn, increases their capture rate, allowing you to capture more pals.
You just have to be careful not to end up eliminating the little monster in the process, since injured pals can't be captured, as mentioned above. But, if used well, the poisoning tactic can be very useful for catching pals in Palworld.
Electrical attacks

Although it's much shorter than freezing, electrocuting a pals also causes a state of confusion in the little monsters, making it easier to capture them. The best way to do this is with pals of the electric element, but you can also do it with the "Shock Stick" weapon, which does very little damage to the target and helps you capture more pals.
Use mounts

Some pals can be used as mounts when captured and this can help a lot in capturing more pals in Palworld. This is because being on a mount gives the player greater battle control, which can make it easier to fight other monsters and thus weaken them so that your capture rate is higher.
Have lots of pal spheres

This tip seems obvious, but many people forget that it's a good idea to stock up on pal spheres before heading out to explore. Unfortunately, not every pal will be the first to land on your sphere, and capturing a single monster can waste a lot of resources. Leaving your base well prepared can be crucial if you want to capture more pals.
Have a bow available!

Some pals will be too hostile for you to face them up close, so a ranged weapon can make all the difference in capturing more pals. With a bow, for example, you'll be able to lower the health of the pal you want to catch without having to get too close and thus launch your pal sphere with the highest capture rate.
Bows can be crafted on workbenches in your base. You will have access to different types of bows depending on the level of your base, so we also advise you to level up your base as much as possible so that you can always get the best weapons from the forge!
Using the game's multiplayer mode can be a good strategy for getting pals in Palworld. This is because the player can coordinate with friends to go after monsters, create bases together and even set up guilds! But what about that? Did we manage to help you capture more pals with these tips? Let us know in the comments! Also check out our article on how to get chest keys in the game!